Risultato della ricerca: slavery
l\'egemonia dell\'uomo (in alto) sull\'uomo (in basso in luce) Chi domina è sempre in \"ombra\".... (filamento di una lampadina a incandescenza proiettato attraverso differenti pinholes o fori stenopeici ricavati nel coperchio della scatola dei miei stivaletti da motociclista...)
I bambini perduti del Nepal. The earthquake has left thousands of orphans, The government tries to avoid as much as possible to send the children to orphanages and so entrusts them to the closest relatives, and it is they who often sell them for a few dollars. Human trafficking, trafficking in girls and children remains a major challenge for the country. Every day girls and children are sold, bought, reduced to sexual slavery, forced into prostitution, to perform forced labor and trafficking in organs. The numbers are appalling: according to Unicef estimates, 15,000 children are sold every year. The number of NGOs in Kathmandu is 25,000. Most are condemned to sexual exploitation in India, but not only. The Gulf countries are the main "buyers" of Nepalese girls under the age of 14. And today the already dramatic situation is even worse after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that devastated the country on 25 April 2015, left 9000 dead, pulverized 700,000 buildings and reduced three million to despair. Currently around 200,000 Nepalese girls are forcibly employed as prostitutes in India.
La civetta delle nevi
Children collect coins or valuables with magnets, from corpses washed in the sacred bagmati river. The earthquake has left thousands of orphans, The government tries to avoid as much as possible to send the children to orphanages and so entrusts them to the closest relatives, and it is they who often sell them for a few dollars. Human trafficking, trafficking in girls and children remains a major challenge for the country. Every day girls and children are sold, bought, reduced to sexual slavery, forced into prostitution, to perform forced labor and trafficking in organs. The numbers are appalling: according to Unicef estimates, 15,000 children are sold every year. The number of NGOs in Kathmandu is 25,000.