Risultato della ricerca: tribe
Myanmar Hata Kho village una piccola abitante della (Kayaw tribe ).
Non è facile trovare testimonianze dell'antichissima civiltà cinese sempre più rare ma ancora non perse del tutto. È stato difficile ma ho cercato di scoprire e conoscere l'essenza e la diversità di questa affascinante cultura.
Dante Donati
Traditional longneck girl weaving coloured silk. Silk products represent an important source of income for this tribe, especially during touristic season. Longneck population is famous for the typical rings that only the women are supposed or forced to wear since the age of 5. You can/should visit them in the north of Thailand, around Chiang Rai.
Rabari are friendly indian tribes who move between Rajasthan and Gujarat with their caravans and livestock. Devi, whose name is the sanskrit word for "goddess", was one of the oldest woman of the tribe I met. She was busy arranging her belongings called "utaru" in the new camp, but she welcomed me and showed me her settlement.
"Karo Woman" Omo Valley - Ethipoia
Rabari are semi-nomadic tribes that move between Gujarat and Rajastan with their cattle. I met Irabel in an uncultivated field, in the shadow of a thin tree with his lambs. I met several communities in the following days and all of them were very friendly.
Dante Donati
A longneck tribe woman in northern Thailand.
The Jat tribe is the most reserved and shy ethnic group I met in Gujarat. The women of this tribe wear a characteristic big nose ring, held up by a black strand tied to their hair. They start wearing this ring from the marriage.
"Nyangatom Tribe" Turkana Lake, Ethiopia
Hornbill Festival in Kisama village in Nagaland Ragazze Garo Morung Tribe
uno spaccato di vita quotidiana nelle tribù africane
Una delle prime foto del mio recente viaggio in Cina. Un viaggio faticoso fisicamente e mentalmente che mi ha regalato emozioni e momenti unici.
"Old Man" Konso Tribe - Ethiopia
andrea polvicino
\"... is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the United States in the state of Arizona. It is contained within and managed by Grand Canyon National Park, the Hualapai Tribal Nation, and the Havasupai Tribe...\"
Rabari are pastoral semi-nomad communities. They breed sheep, buffaloes and camels and during the dry season they move with their caravans in search of water and grass for their livestock. Irabel and Sartan, with their characteristic white clothes and turbans, were waiting for their women to establish a new camp.