Risultato della ricerca: short
is impressive as a landscape can change in such a short time . Do not believe ? This is one of the factors that makes me love landscape photography ! I hope you enjoy it
Davide Solurghi
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fotografiche evasioni
Time is like a fuse,short and burning fast Armageddon is here, like said in the past Fight fire with fire Ending is near
Shooting con Francesca. Glamour luce continua e luce naturale.
Giuditta Camilla Portrait
Shooting con Francesca. Glamour luce continua e luce naturale.
Descrizione: Arrivati alla location dopo una breve ma ripida camminata per immortalare le ultime luci del giorno ci siamo ritrovati a fare i conti con una fitta nebbia che ci ha rovinato tutto, portando con se anche un temporale davvero pesante e che ci ha costretti a rifugiarci in tenda fino alla fine della perturbazione. Una volta usciti dal riparo, io e i miei 3 amici, abbiamo trovato un cielo perfettamente sgombro e una via lattea visibile a occhio nudo. La mattina lo scenario è tramutato ancora in un tripudio di colori che ci ha messo in difficoltà in quanto non sapevamo che scena riprendere: ogni direzione aveva colori fantastici proiettati sui monti e ancora rimpiango di non aver potuto catturare ogni singolo momento di quell'alba. Buona visione! - Arriving at the location after a short but steep walk to capture the last light of the day we gathered to deal with a dense fog that has ruined all, bringing with it a really heavy storm, and that has forced us to take shelter in tents until the end of the disturbance. Once out of the shelter, I and my 3 friends found a perfectly clear sky and Milky Way visible to the naked eye. In the morning the scenario is still turned into a riot of colors that put us in trouble because we didn't know whereto shot: every direction had fantastic colors projected on the mountains and I'm still regreting that I wasn't being able to capture every single moment of that dawn. Enjoy that!
Shooting con Francesca. Glamour luce continua e luce naturale.
Shooting con Francesca. Glamour luce continua e luce naturale.
Shooting con Francesca. Glamour luce continua e luce naturale.
The cherry blossom season is relatively short. Full bloom (mankai) is usually reached within about one week after the opening of the first blossoms (kaika). Another week later, the blooming peak is over and the blossoms are falling from the trees. Strong wind and rain can cut the blooming season even shorter.
Along the road, I stopped in this town and went for a short trekking which ended with this beautifull wooden bridge right above the ocean, hundred of meters up the water...what an incredible view from up there!