Risultato della ricerca: cloudy
Un alba sorprendente a Pisa stamattina
Un tramonto nella monument valley è sempre suggestivo da morire, soprattutto seduti nella sabbia al cospetto delle "Mittens" aspettando la notte per scattare la via lattea quando sorgerà lì dietro... Waiting for the night sitting in the sands of the Monument Valley is priceless. I just hope to not have profaned some sacred place, even if this one is undoubtedly one of the most spiritual places I've ever visited. The mittens under a pink cloudy sky are preparing to their nightly show.
cloudy day in versilia under pierre i\'ve catch this color!
Davide Solurghi
Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography
Davide Solurghi
Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography
Davide Solurghi
Location: Outdoor - Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography
Davide Solurghi
Modella: Amina Bodro Thank you so much for the visits, favs and comments :) Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography
Fabio Todeschini
E quando la natura regala certi spettacoli non puoi far altro che scattare una foto per renderli eterni...
Davide Solurghi
Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography
Una sgarza ciuffetto vola nel cielo leggermente annuvolato
Davide Solurghi
Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography
Giordano Santoro
On Ferbuary, 09th, 2013. Continuano le prove della D90!
Davide Solurghi
Visit my site: http://davidesolurghi.wix.com/photography or https://www.facebook.com/davidesolurghiphotography