
  9 anni fa
60.18 Punteggio più alto 23 Dicembre 2015
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If someone, one day, had told me, that my first photo of the Milky Way would been taken in a place like this one, I would never trusted him. However in a warm summer night, around midnight, I found myself seated in the red sand of the desert in the Navajo reservation, at the foot of the most world famous rock monuments. Just the time to screw in my fisheye lens, crank up the ISO, set the focus, and I was shooting one of the most wonderful scenarios I've ever seen. it is difficult to describe the emotion of the moment, but I can swear, it was absolutely overwhelming.

Dispositivo NIKON D800
Data 11/09/2015 23:16:32
Image Info
Categoria Paesaggi
Staticmap?size=255x155&sensor=false&zoom=6&markers=36.982775, -110.09622166666666

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