Canyonlands ... la mano del creatore ...

  11 anni fa
26.06 Punteggio più alto 18 Ottobre 2013
Image Impact
 |  Segnala
"... located in southeastern Utah near the town of Moab and preserves a colorful landscape eroded into countless canyons, mesas and buttes by the Colorado River, the Green River, and their respective tributaries..."

Dispositivo NIKON D300
Obiettivo 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
Data 25/07/2013 02:22:52
Lunghezza focale 18 mm
Diaframma f 18
Tempo di posa 1/60 sec
Sensibilità ISO 200
Image Info
Categoria Viaggi
Album \"... USA 2013 - West Coast ...\"
Staticmap?size=255x155&sensor=false&zoom=6&markers=38.3268693, -109.8782592

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Canyonlands ... la mano del creatore ...